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Loads of UCD students have posed in the nip for a charity calendar

Better them than us, right?

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WE CAN ALL agree that being naked in public is nightmare fodder for most Irish people, right?

Not so for these brave UCD students who have ditched their clothes for a charity calendar.

The 2016 UCDSU Skydive Naked Calendar is part of an effort to raise €100,000 for Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland, and features dozens of UCD students in the nip.

Like these lads posing with some strategically placed helmets.

Aug Source: UCD SU

Or these lads who appear to have heard the Angelus bells ringing somewhere and paused for a moment of reflection while putting on their trousers.

Feb Source: UCD SU

More helmets!

July Source: UCD SU

Work that Blue Steel expression, lads.

Oct Source: UCD SU

Notice everyone carefully avoiding eye contact with each other.

Dec Source: UCD SU

UCD Students’ Union acknowledged that the whole thing was a little bit risqué, but stated that they wanted to do something that grabbed people’s attention in order to raise funds for Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland.

We’ve been accused of being off message but all our ideas are run by YSPI and they agree with our methods. We want to draw attention to what we’re doing. We need attention to get this much money together. Charities like YSPI have a real need for resources which aren’t being provided by Government.

March Source: UCD SU

UDCSU hope to raise €30,000 by selling 3,000 calendars at €10 a pop.

The calendars will be available to purchase on campus in UCD.

Nov Source: UCD SU

*has nightmare about doing Leaving Cert naked*

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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